Upcoming Events
Masjid Al-Mustafa
February 8th, 2025
✨🌙 Join us for our Quran Night where we will be joined by Qari Mikail, Qari Adam, and Shaykh Affan for a night of beautiful recitations!
📅 Date: Saturday, February 8th
⏰ Time: 6:30pm | After Maghreb
📍 Location: Hamd Institute, 17250 Coventry Park Dr, Houston, TX 77084
🌟 RSVP now at hamdinstitute.org/events!
Masjid Al-Mustafa
February 14 & 16th, 2025
✨🌙 Join us for Hamd Institute’s annual Ramadan Extravaganza! 🌙✨
🗓 Day 1: Learning Day
📅 Friday, February 14 | ⏰ 6 PM - 10 PM
🗓 Day 2: Carnival Day
📅 Sunday, February 16 | ⏰ 2 PM - 8 PM
🤝 Interested in being part of the event?
👉 Sponsors: hamdinstitute.org/sponsor
For any questions, email us at: carnival@hamdinstitute.org
🌟 Let’s make this Ramadan unforgettable! Bring your family, friends, and neighbors! ❤️
Past Events
Ramadan Extravaganza
Hamd Institute would like to invite you to our Ramadan Extravaganza this coming February 24th to the 25th from 1 PM to 8:30 PM for a day of learning and a day of celebration! Join us with your friends and family for food, fun, and knowledge as we gather together in preparation for the upcoming Ramadan.
A Ramadan to Remember
Take the chance to go for a refreshing bike ride at our Hamd Trails event on February 18th from 7:15am-9:30am! Pray Fajr at your local masjid then meet up with everyone at the Cypress Creek Bike Trails. As a reminder, bikes and helmets are required!
PSAT Exams
Prepare to take your SAT’s for your college entrance applications by taking your PSAT’s! The exams will take place at Hamd Institute on Saturday, February 17th from 9-12pm. We encourage all students in Grade 8 and above to take the exams to learn effective study tips and testing strategies.
Soul Sisters
On February 4th, Inn Shaa Allah we will be having a collab event with Qalam Institute, where we will have Ustadha Aatifa Shareef and Ustadha Fatima Lette educate us on the story of Maryam (AS).
This event is a sisters ONLY event! Registration is required! Sign up today at tinyurl.com/soulsisters0204
Inter-Islamic Middle School Basketball Tournament
Join us on Saturday, February 3rd from 10 am-5 pm for our FIRST annual Inter-Islamic Middle School Basketball Tournament. The tournament will be taking place at the LHN Community Center with a $5 entry fee. The tournament is open to the community, so we encourage you to invite your friends and family!
Fundraiser Lunch Sale
We would like to invite you all to support Hamd Institute and our students by purchasing lunch after the first and second jumuah on Friday, February 2nd! We will be selling a variety of items such as fried chicken, biryani, and more. All proceeds will go towards supporting our students of knowledge, so we encourage you to invite your friends and family to purchase food using either cash, card, or Zelle.
Community Day of Fasting
Join us for a potluck dinner after a community day of fasting in preparation for the upcoming month of Ramadan. We ask that everyone brings a dish to share with the community.
Caliphs & Conquests
Join us as Mufti Sultan Mohiuddin does a deep dive into the story of Umar (رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ) and his conquest of Jerusalem.
Muslim Family Night with the Houston Rockets
Join Hamd Institute at the annual Muslim Family Night as we all sit together to watch the Houston Rockets face off against Utah Jazz! The game will take place in the Houston Toyota Center on Saturday, January 20th at 7 pm.
From Bollywood to Islam
From Bollywood to Islam; Get Ready for an EPIC Evening of Inspiration. This event is for sisters ONLY and will take place in the Bear Creek Community Hall behind Hamd Institute at 17250 Coventry Park, Houston, TX 77084.
Sacred Echoes
Join us for our upcoming collab event with Miftaah Institute, as they bring the “Sacred Echoes” tour to Houston! With renowned nasheed artist, Mohamed Tarek, along with various esteemed scholars, as we draw strength from the faith of the people of Gaza, learning to hold firmly to the rope of Allah as one Ummah. Register now at miftaah.org/echoes.
Reflections from Surah Al-Kahf pt. 2
Join us on January 4th, this Thursday, where we will be having our part 2 class with Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed on the tafseer of Surah Kahf! This is a great opportunity to study the Quran with our amazing scholars. Invite your family and friends so we can all benefit from this beautiful event!
Salah Workshop
Join us this Winter as we learn how to perfect our key to Jannah, Salah. We are excited to have knowledgeable teachers like Shaykh Arsalan do a deep dive into how to preform salah, the types of salah, how to perform wudu, and much more.
How to be Vulnerable with Allah
Join us alongside Imam Hamzah Ghia and Imam Farooqi as we learn more about the beautiful connection between vulnerability and faith, accompanied by soul-soothing Yemeni coffee.
Tafseer of Surah Fatiha
Join us for an enlightening session as Mufti Abdul Wahab delves into the profound meanings behind Surah Fatiha, often referred to as the "Mother of the Quran." Gain deeper insights into the spiritual significance and timeless wisdom encapsulated in this foundational chapter.
Quran Night
Quran Night at Hamd Institute with Qari Ahmad Siddiqui, Shaykh Hasan Saleh, and Qari Hashim Abbasi. We're pleased to share that students from our community will also be participating in the recitations. Come and enjoy this special event, showing your support for our talented students. -
NAIF Imams Training Program
We are excited to be hosting the NAIF Imams Training Program regarding Shari’ah Compliant Real Estate Financing. Join us to become certified by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions -
Spirit Night
Hamd Institute would like to invite you to join us at our upcoming community event as we host our Spirit Night at iRise Trampoline and Fun Park. We are also excited to present our new merchandise that you can purchase while registering for the event. All proceeds will go directly towards supporting Hamd Institute. We hope to see you having fun at our community event while sporting our new swag! -
Kids Night Out
Hamd Institute, in collaboration with Bearcreek Weekend Islamic School and Bearcreek Islamic Center, is hosting a Kids Night Out: trivia and s’mores night on Tuesday October 31, 2023 from Maghrib to Isha. We hope to see all our students there to win prizes and make lots of unforgettable memories! Use the link below to RSVP and join us for a fun night!
Seeking Strength In Adversity
Join us for an enlightening where Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda will be shifting focus to a topic that is on everyones mind right now. As we continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine, we will talk about the "The Promise of Allah: Seeking Strength In Adversity". We ask Allah to help those being oppressed all over the world! Ameen!
In addition, we will be having a graduation ceremony for two more of our students as they will be completing their Hifdh of the Quran. .
Bullying Workshop
Almost 70 percent of kids mention they have been bullied one way or the other! 😕😔 “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Or, can they?” In this storytelling event, Brother Amin (from Noor Kids) recalls the hurt caused by bullies and provides children with a three-step approach to end bullying. 💪This event is for ages 8-14. Students above or below are also welcomed! Parents are encouraged to stay with their children during the event. Parents do not have to purchase a ticket.
Gateway to the Quran
10/05/2023 - 10/06/2023
On October 5th, at 8:30 PM, we'll explore the timeless lessons from Surah Kahf at Hamd Institute. The following night, October 6th, also at 8:30 PM, we'll continue our journey with lessons from Surah Hadeed at Masjid Ibrahim. Mufti Abdulrahman Waheed, a renowned scholar and captivating speaker, will guide us through the profound wisdom of these Quranic chapters. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your connection with the Quran and gain a deeper understanding of its teachings. -
Nurturing Spiritual Connections
Are you seeking to deepen the spiritual bonds within your family? Do you aspire to create a home environment that reflects the timeless teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?Together, we will explore the wisdom and insights from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that guide us in building a spiritually enriching atmosphere at home. From communication that breeds understanding to acts of worship that unify us, this program promises to empower you with tools to foster love, respect, and growth within your family circle.
The People of The Quran
The Prophet (SAW) mentioned that the people of the Quran are the people of Allah. Join us for a special family gathering after Maghrib prayer, featuring Shaykh Mamdouh Mahmoud and Imam Hamza Ghia as we discuss the people of the Quran. Additionally, we will joyfully commemorate the achievement of students within our community who have successfully completed their Quranic memorization journey. -
Community Ilm: Summer Programs
Summer 2023
Tafseer & TazkiyaTuesdays:
Tajweed for BeginnersWednesdays:
Aspects of the Religion HalaqaThursdays:
Spiritual Journey to Allah & His Messenger -
The Makkan Seerah is filled with the trials and tribulations of our beloved Prophet (SAW) and his Companions. You will find lows such as the Year of Sorrow, the persecution of the Companions, and a community embargoed without access to food or commodities. As such, why would Allah SWT allow the best of humanity, the Prophet (SAW) and his Companions, to struggle, if there were not wisdoms stored within?
The Legacy of Ibrahim (AS)
Join us at Masjid Al-Mustafa for a captivating family event featuring guest speaker Mufti Asim Rashid, who will enlighten us on the Legacy of Ibrahim عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ.
Year End Celebration 2022-2023
The 2022-2023 school year has come to an end! Thank you to all the volunteers, teachers, administrators, students, and parents for a successful year Alhamdulilah. To celebrate graduation and all of our students’ accomplishments, we will be having an event at the Hamd Campus on May 27th! -
My Conversation with Allah
Join us at Masjid Al-Farouq for a joint event with Khalil Islamic Collective about meaningful prayer by Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda. There will be a parallel youth session with Imam Hamza Ghia as well as free kids activities and games, and free childcare for kids ages 3+. Insha’Allah, from this event we can all learn to engage in better conversation with our Creator. -
Part Time Students : Eid Celebration
Eid Mubarak! We will be having an eid celebration for our part time students on May 17th from 6-8 PM at Horsepen Creek Park. Parents and siblings are welcome to accompany students!
Last 10 Nights - Qiyam
04/11 - 04/19
The final nights of the month of Ramadan are approaching! InshaAllah we will be having qiyam every night starting from Tuesday, April 11th. Join us as our students, teachers, and guest reciters lead us in prayer during these blessed nights.
Girls Lock-in
Sisters ages 11-23 join us for prayer, games and loads of fun at Bear Creek Islamic Center! Suhoor will be provided inshAllah. Ages 11-15 check-in at the masjid, Ages 16-23 check-in at Hamd Institute.
Boys Lock-in
Brothers ages 13-25 Join us for prayer, video games and some basketball at Bear Creek Islamic Center and get to know your brothers in Islam a little better. Suhoor will be provided inshAllah.
Shedding a Tear for the One
Join us after tarawih for a family event with Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed and Imam Hamzah Ghia. There will also be a parallel session for kids ages 10-15. Food will be available for purchase!
Connecting Our Hearts x Soul Food
Calling all young professionals! Life can get busy this time of year with work, school, and other responsibilities. But Ramadan only comes once a year so we should take advantage of this blessing and opportunity. Join us for a Suhbah & Hamd collab for qiyam prayer and a discussion about developing a deeper connection with Allah and our deen.
Quran & Nasheed Night
To begin our Ramadan with increased spirituality, Hamd Institute has organized a night to listen and internalize the magnificence of the Quran and nasheeds to remind us of the beauty of our deen.
Iftar Potluck
A Prophetic Ramadan
In this series, we’re going to cover what preparing for Ramadan, making the most of Ramadan, and maintaining the Ramadan high looked in the Prophet’s time, peace be upon him.
Islamic Art Workshop
Join artist Hina Chaudhry for a crash course on acrylic painting. This class is for all experience levels ages 5 and up.
Ramadan Extravaganza
Navigating Burnout
Game Night & Bonfire
Tafseer Thursday
01/19/2023 - 02/23/2023
Hamd Graduation Ceremony
Secrets of the Quran
Friday Night Lights
Youth Iftar & Halaqa
Morality in the Age of Immorality
Youth Intensive
12/26/2022 & 12/27/2022
Islamic Art Workshop
Spectacular Seerah
Bear Creek Family Night
The Pursuit of Happiness
Coffee Chat
Fall 2022 Tafseer Classes
Every Thursday until 10/27
Focusing on the Future